Friday, September 4, 2009

Why Play besides $25,000??

Most People who've been playing fantasy football for a couple of years is looking for something a little different....and this is it! First of all, you can win more money than in most fantasy football leagues (up to $25,000) but also when you play Suicide Fantasy Football you can't get lucky with a couple of draft picks. You can't have a bad draft and get rewarded by having first dibs on the free agents in the first couple of weeks that carry you to the title (we all hate those people!) There is no draft and you have to pick a new team EVERY WEEK!! You pick QB, 2RB's, 2WR's, TE, and K but the twist is once you pick someone you can't pick them again for the rest of the season. That means 10 people in your league can pick Brady as QB in week 1, but if he has a bad game those 10 people just wasted Brady. Some people use the studs early and some save them for the home stretch. Some people use match ups like picking people playing the Rams and Lions.....bottom line is there are many different strategies but you can't just get lucky. You have to prove week in and week out that you know what you're a fantasy expert. This is what true fantasy players are looking for. Also, you get to play against people like Former NFL linebacker Shawn Barber who is one of the few NFL players who admits he played fantasy football while playing in the NFL. This game will revolutionize the way people play fantasy football!

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